Accidents and incidents

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Accident and Incident Reporting Procedure  

The First Aid at work regulations (1981) require Adult Learning Service to provide adequate and appropriate  equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first aid to be given if our learners are injured or become ill.  

All Adult Learning Services Tutors act as the nominated first aid person for their course and are provided with a  personal alarm and a suitably stocked first aid kit containing accident/incident forms, free post envelopes and a  copy of the procedure. Tutors need to familiarise themselves with this kit and carry it with them to all sessions. Kits  and supplies are available via Business Support.  

The level of risk associated with your course is stated on your subject risk assessment.  

Lower Risk courses: Nominated first aiders should not give first aid treatment they have not been trained for, they  are simply there to dress a wound or call an ambulance if necessary.  

Higher Risk courses: Such as activity/therapy courses or courses that require the operation of machinery or use of 

Step 1

An accident/incident form must be completed for all accidents that occur. It is a legal requirement to report  accidents that happen in certain instances without delay (RIDDOR). Therefore, you must ensure you report in all accidents following our procedure which has been set up in accordance with NNC’s Accident and Incident  Reporting Policy and Procedures.  

Step 2

The tutor is responsible for fully completing the Accident/Incident form, detailing the nature of the incident and  where applicable the affected person and witnesses should also sign the form. In the event of serious injury, you  should contact your curriculum coordinator or Business Support as soon as you have dealt with the incident.  

Step 3

Your completed form must be sent to Business Support in one of the free post envelopes provided within 2 days of the accident/incident. They will retain a copy for central filing and forward it onto the relevant departments,  returning a copy for you to keep with your course file. If you need any help with the form, please do not hesitate  to contact your curriculum manager. If you require more accident/incident forms please contact Business  Support.  

Any issues relating to Health and Safety will be reviewed with the relevant curriculum coordinator and the ALS  Health and Safety team at this stage.