Subject Resources

All Tutors - Resources Shared Drive. Please refer to Curriculum Coordinators for more resources

ILPS, Learner declaration and Feedback forms

Shared Drive: All Tutor Resources / 2. ILPs Learner Declarations and Feedback / Functional skills OR Family Learning

  1. Right Click / Make a copy.... then Right Click / Move --> My Drive/Classroom/Your Class

  2. Add as assignment to the top of your Classwork tab (outside a topic, with your Link to video Meet?) and 'Make a copy for each student

Initial Assessments

Shared Drive: All Tutor Resources / 3. Initial Assessments
Initial Assessments are also available through NEW / Docs --> from a Template : Initial Assessments

Induction Material

Shared Drive: All Tutor Resources / 4. Initial Assessments
(Initial Assessments are also available through NEW / Docs --> from a Template : Initial Assessments

Functional Skills





Family Learning

Shared Drives have subject resources for reference:

      • Family Language

      • Family Learning Resources

        • Family Maths

        • Keep Up with the Children Maths

        • Life Online and Basic IT

List of trusted and licensed resources include,