Additional Support for Learners

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Financial Assistance for Learners Experiencing Hardship 

If a learner approaches you to explain that they need support with resources, childcare, tuition  fees or any other expense in order to participate fully please contact, if the learner is participating in a course  leading to a qualification.  

If a learner approaches you for financial support on any of our non accredited courses please  contact 

Funds are available if learners meet certain criteria and this process will be managed discreetly  and sensitively by the staff members detailed here; or alternatively you can seek advice from your  curriculum coordinator who can signpost the learner on your behalf.  

It is important that you do not engage in detailed conversations about the financial support  available because the criteria may change during the year and depending on the course the  funding available from the ESFA may vary.  

Inclusive Learning  

Learner Support Statement 

Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service (NALS) is committed to extending learning opportunities  and facilities to all members of the community. Our aim is to enable people with additional needs or  disabilities to play an active part in society and:  

In order to create an inclusive learning environment for all, teaching staff should take positive steps  to anticipate likely needs of learners and remove potential barriers to participation as well as  responding to specific individual requirements when they arise. This is often in conjunction with  the Learner Support Advisor.  

The Learner Support Advisor can be contacted by email on or  by telephoning 01604 368023. 


Putting Support in Place  

Many learners still face significant barriers that often prevent their success in education. The Adult  Learning Service has a duty of care to all learners to create more inclusive learning environments  that consider learners’ individual needs, and where necessary, implement reasonable adjustments.  

At the point of enrolment, a learner is encouraged to self-declare any long term health condition,  physical disability, mental health condition or learning disability/difficulty. A confidential telephone  conversation with the Learner Support Advisor to discuss any potential support/additional learning  need. See Inclusive Learning Appendix A.  

If appropriate, reasonable adjustments are made in agreement with the learner and members of  the teaching team made aware of the adjustments required. The Learner Support Advisor will  regularly review the support in place, and contact the learner to ensure they are receiving support  proportionate to their needs.  

All details held regarding adjustments required are kept confidentially and shared only with the  teaching team as appropriate.  

If the learner requires 1:1 support, this will be allocated by the Learner Support Team in discussion  with the learner. In certain cases, the learner may have a personal carer, friend or family member  accompany them on the course to carry out the 1:1 support. This person would need to be  registered to attend the course for Health and Safety reasons.  

Where possible, the venues used by Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service have good access,  disabled parking spaces, accessible toilets and some have lifts. In some instances, such as  venues in rural locations, the buildings may not be fully accessible. Learners will be advised and  supported, where necessary to find an alternative course.  

Disclosure and Confidentiality  

Northamptonshire Adult Learning Service takes reasonable steps to find out about learners upon  enrolment. There are positive reasons why it is encouraged to self-declare any long-term health  condition, physical disability, mental health condition or learning disability/difficulty. Without a  declaration of a learner’s condition or needs, the Learner Support Advisor will not be aware of the  requirements. Some adjustments or arrangements e.g. allocating 1:1 support take more time to  organise so it is important for the Learner Support Advisor to be aware as soon as possible.  

If a learner’s needs are identified once the course has started (see Inclusive Learning Appendix B),  the tutor is asked to discuss in general terms how we can offer support and make a referral into the  Learner Support Advisor using the Form LS1 – See Inclusive Learning Appendix C. At this point,  learner consent is being obtained. 

Theservice understands that learners may have concerns about disclosing a disability or an  additional support need, however a disclosure helps the service to be proactive and anticipatory in  making reasonable adjustments.  

The information shared is stored securely in a restricted access site. The Learner Support Advisor  will gain consent to share the learners’ support plan and any other disability-related needs with the  tutor of the course and any member of the Learner Support Team providing 1:1 support if  applicable. This sharing of information is particularly helpful for the tutor so they can adapt their  teaching and resources to make the learning experience a positive one.  

All records are kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018).  

For information on the Learner Support Procedure or to complete the Learner Support CPD  Module please email  

Inclusive Learning Appendix A

Inclusive Learning Appendix B 

Inclusive Learning Appendix C