Customer feedback

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Customer Feedback  

If you receive feedback from your learners, either complaints or compliments, please email your  curriculum manager. Feedback is regularly monitored and reported weekly to our senior managers  as well as quarterly to our Corporate Team. To contact adult learning customer feedback directly  please email or telephone 01604  367119. 

Types of Customer Feedback  

Suggestion  Where we are advised that we could do something better or different. We check  these to see whether they include ideas that could be usefully adopted.  

Compliment  Praise from a customer because we have done something well.  We review these to identify and spread good practice.  

Complaint   expressions of dissatisfaction by a customer.    These can occur when people think we have failed to do something we agreed to do, do something  wrong or treat them unfairly or discourteously. If the customer says it is a complaint, it must be  handled as a complaint!  

There are three stages in the complaints process:  

Stage 1 - Initially, the complaint is handled by the section or service area the complaint relates to. 

Stage 2 - If the complainant is not satisfied at Stage 1, the relevant senior manager arranges an  investigation. 

Stage 3 - If the complainant is not satisfied at Stage 2, the Corporate Complaints Team  investigates on behalf of the Chief Executive. 

Finally, if the complainant is not satisfied at Stage 3, they may take it to the Local Government  Ombudsman.  

Procedure Aim  

The aim of this procedure is to ensure:  

Our target is that 95% of complaints are solved successfully within 10 working days. It is our aim to  acknowledge all complaints within 3 working days.