Information, Advice and Guidance Services
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ALS IAG services supports the ALS Vision and Mission, and aims to provide IAG to enquirers and learners who are enrolled on, or considering enrolling for, a programme or course with the ALS.
IAG ultimately supports individuals in their choice of career, learning, work and life goals. As a service, we are required by Ofsted to evidence how learners receive IAG.
Everyone in ALS contributes to ensure our service is delivered in accordance to principles of the nationally recognised matrix quality standard.
We work with the National Careers Service who provide an IAG offer, comprising of a National website, national contact centre and area based services. To arrange Information, Advice and Guidance for your learners with a skilled advisor please follow the steps below.
Some or all of your
group would like a
careers advisor
You have 2 options:
Whole group decide they would not like a careers advisor visit.
You have 4 options:
One learner would like to access careers advice.
A National Careers Service group IAG session may be pre-arranged by your
curriculum coordinator. Please respond to emails with instructions if this applies.
If a National Careers Service group IAG has not been pre-arranged, you can request one by emailing:
1-Encourage learners to tick the National Careers Service box on ALS enrolment form (if paper enrolment).
2-Explain to learners that the National Careers Service contact is given on their course information sheet.
3-Tell learners about the ‘progression advice’ section of ALS website which includes useful IAG.
4-Request careers advice on behalf of the learner by providing the learners name and their course code to:
In order to clarify the service provided for learners, we define Information, Advice and Guidance as:
Information - Providing people with information about the range of learning opportunities available, without any discussion of the relative merit of these options. This includes ALS courses and activities, learning offers by other providers, enrolments, course fees and learner support.
Advice - Helping individuals to interpret information and choose the most appropriate next step in relation to their needs. This includes advice about learning and training opportunities and providers, occupational information, progression routes and referrals.
Guidance – Supporting individuals through in depth support session(s) in which a skilled advisor helps with the process of making decisions about learning, work or life goals.
Information, Advice and Guidance Services
Here are some examples of how you can ensure learners have access to good quality Information, Advice and Guidance as a tutor.