Learner behaviour

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Responsible Learner Behaviour Policy (Adult Learning Provision)  

Policy statement  

The Adult Learning Service wants all learners to achieve and enjoy their course of study. NALS will  support learners to achieve their full potential and supports the right of all people to be treated with  dignity and respect. NALS is committed to promoting an environment free from all forms of  unacceptable behaviour and will take appropriate steps to achieve this.  


This policy covers the responsible learner behaviour for learners enrolled on Adult and Community  Learning courses, including online courses. A separate policy for learners enrolled on the Study  Programme is available.  

This policy is concerned with the behaviour of a person or persons which may cause harm, or the  threat of harm, either directly or indirectly to another person or persons. Experiencing, or having  the perception of experiencing, unacceptable behaviour can have a significant effect on a person’s  chances of achieving their learning goals and their full potential.  

Examples of unacceptable behaviour include:  

Bullying or victimisation, including via the internet or by texting  


Physical abuse or threat of it  

Verbal, emotional, sexual, financial or psychological abuse, or other types of abuse  including grooming.  

Behaviour intended to humiliate, frighten, distress, denigrate, pester or ignore   Behaviour or language which is hostile or shows prejudice towards individuals based on  their disability, gender, race, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.  

Actions or behaviour associated with radicalisation, extremist views or possession of  /distributing extremist material  

Use of offensive language, texts, e-mail  

Breach of health and safety rules, including those related to acceptable computer use   Malpractice involving work contributing to externally accredited qualifications   Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while attending classes or being on the  premises where classes are being held  

Involvement in anti-social behaviour such as theft  

Wilful damage or misuse of property or equipment, including inappropriate use of IT  equipment  

Failing to respect no smoking rules which also include the use of e-cigarettes  

Any learner who has experienced unacceptable behaviour from another learner or a member of  staff should report this immediately to either their tutor or any member of staff via 01604 367119 or  AdultLearning@northnorthants.gov.uk. Any member of staff experiencing unacceptable behaviour  from a learner should report this immediately to their line manager. 


The procedures  

Instances of malpractice relating to work that will contribute to externally accredited qualifications  will be investigated and reported in line with the awarding body guidelines.  

Reports of incidents involving staff will be investigated in line with North Northamptonshire Council  policies and procedures.  

It is acknowledged that many ALS courses are by their nature very short and that if learner does  not adhere to the code of conduct the course may have finished before they can be called to the  kind of meeting described in Stage 2. However, the purpose of this policy is to ensure guidelines  are in place to enable all learners and staff on all courses to be treated with respect. It should be  noted that regardless of the length of course the service can move straight to Stage 3 of the  

process if the unacceptable behaviour is of a serious nature.  

Informal procedure  

Tutors should discuss minor matters of concern with a learner and agree appropriate action. The  tutor must ensure their line manager is kept informed about any informal discussions regarding a  learner’s behaviour.  

Formal procedure  

If a learner refuses to participate in an informal discussion, there are further causes for concern or  further incidents the tutor must contact their line manager who will instigate a formal discussion  with the learner. Full records must be kept and the minutes of the meeting given to the learner and  any staff involved.  

Stage 1  

In the event of unacceptable behaviour, including a breach of the code of conduct, the line  manager of the tutor will meet with the learner to discuss the nature of the problem. An action plan  and review date will be agreed and if everything has gone well and the learner is committed to  maintaining standards the matter will be considered to be resolved.  

Stage 2  

If the matter is not resolved following this discussion a follow up meeting will be arranged with the  tutor, a curriculum manager or the performance and quality manager and the learner may bring a  friend. The meeting will identify and agree actions to enable the learner to continue on the course,  

including any support required. A review date will be agreed and if all goes well that will be the end  of the matter.  

Stage 3  

This stage will be applied if Stage 2 has not resolved the problem or the unacceptable behaviour,  or allegation of unacceptable behaviour, is of a particularly serious nature or is a repeat of a  previous offence. The learner will be temporarily suspended from the course and invited to attend a  disciplinary panel comprising the curriculum manager, the performance and quality manager, the  service manager and others as appropriate. The allegations and evidence will be reviewed and the  learner asked to comment and present any additional evidence. The learner can bring along a  friend or representative for support. 


If the learner’s unacceptable behaviour is found to have been serious the Disciplinary Panel will  normally take on of the following courses of action if the allegations are proven and upheld:  

A final written warning  

Temporary exclusion from attending  

Permanent exclusion from the course  

Exclusion from ALS provision  

 Stage 4 – Appeal  

The learner can appeal against the outcome of the Disciplinary Panel to the service manager. This  should be done within five working days of being informed of any decision.  

Learners also have the right to appeal at any stage of the disciplinary procedure using the North  Northamptonshire Council complaints procedure.  

It is acknowledged that many ALS courses are by their nature very short and that if learner does  not adhere to the code of conduct the course may have finished before they can be called to the  kind of meeting described in Stage 2. However the purpose of this policy is to ensure guidelines  are in place to enable all learners and staff on all courses are treated with respect. It should be  

noted that regardless of the length of course the service can move straight to Stage 3 of the  process if the unacceptable behaviour is of a serious nature.  

Linked Policies  

Other policies and information that support the Unacceptable Learner Behaviour Policy are:  

ALS Online Safety Policy  

ALS Safeguarding Policy  

ALS Equality and Diversity Policy  

ALS Malpractice Policy  

ALS Fair Assessment Policy  

ALS Code of Conduct ( appended to this policy)  

ALS Learner Guide  

Learner Agreement  

ALS Learner Support Policy  

NNC Code of Conduct for Employees  

NNC Health and Safety policies 


Learner Code of Conduct  

To ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn in a safe environment, we ask you to:  

Respect the rights and values of other people.  

Use behaviour and language which is inclusive and respectful to all.  

Tell us about bullying or harassment if it happens to you or other learners.   Talk to us if you are concerned about your own safety or the safety of other learners.   Tell us if you have a disability that may affect your learning or if you need additional support  to help you to achieve.  

Attend your course regularly, be on time and stay to the end of the session. Please let us  know if you are unable to attend.  

Ensure that the work you hand in for assessment is your own or let your tutor know  anything that is not your own work.  

Give feedback to your tutor about your learning and progression.  

Use equipment and resources safely, including IT equipment and follow safety procedures.