Prior to the start of your Course

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Equipment and Resources  

Equipment is loaned to staff on the strict understanding that they adhere to the loan agreement and  return all items at the end of the loan period or employment.  

Process for ordering resources and equipment  

It is important to identify any resources and/or equipment you need before the course starts.  Equipment should be reserved by emailing: any requests  for resources are then sent to your curriculum coordinator for approval who will order these on your  behalf.  

Some tutors, in agreement with their curriculum coordinator, take materials to the session for the  learners to purchase for a small sum. This practice is only acceptable when buying a larger quantity  for the group makes it more cost effective for the learners, or it is easier for the tutor to buy. There  must be no profit to the tutor. This is totally unacceptable and against NNC rules of employment. If  there are extra costs for the learners, then this should be stated clearly on the Course Information  Sheet (CIS).  

Please remember that equipment and resources are limited and that it takes time to procure and  make them available to you.  

Also be aware that all equipment is stored at Booth Meadow House, so please give plenty of notice  whenever you require equipment as it cannot be collected on the same day of request.  

Tutors working within targeted provision (Family Learning, Adult Skills, NLDC, Learn2b and  Here4u)  

Course resources for targeted provision should be ordered in advance. At least 3 weeks’ notice  should be given to curriculum coordinators by tutors for resources needed. Last minute or  specialised resources can be purchased by the tutor and claimed back if agreed with the CC &  tutor in advance. Cookery tutors in targeted provision are to be given a supermarket card in  advance of the course.  

Returning equipment at the end of the loan period  

It is necessary to have all equipment checked and, where appropriate, PAT tested prior to the start  of the new academic year. Once the equipment has been checked, it will then be allocated to tutors  in accordance with our policy and procedure.  

Adult Learning Service reserves the right to recall the equipment at any point if it is not returned  when requested. Please note that unauthorised PAT testing will not be reimbursed.  

Equipment with Memory or Media Storage 

We request that you do not store personal information and media on equipment such as cameras,  camcorders or laptops. We cannot guarantee the security of the media or re-issue the equipment to  you. Any personal information, media or saved passwords must be deleted prior to its return. 

Equipment Maintenance  

The Adult Learning Service provides all tutors with the equipment and resources needed for  preparation, teaching and learning. Should a problem arise, which requires some kind of  maintenance, with any item of equipment provided, please do not try to fix it either by yourself or  allow a friend or family member to assist. In the first instance, please contact Business Support  either by phone on 01604 367119 or by email ( and they will  be able to advise you or put you in contact with the best person to resolve the issue. This will avoid  delays in rectifying the problem.  

Faulty equipment  

You must not use faulty equipment under any circumstances. It should be reported and returned to  Business Support at your earliest convenience who will then swap the equipment for you, wherever  possible. Please note that costs incurred in unauthorised repairs will not be reimbursed. 


If the memory of a laptop that has been issued to you is insufficient for your teaching needs, we will  endeavour to find one that is appropriate.  

We sometimes have to restore a laptop to its original factory settings, especially if it has picked up a  virus. While we will do our best to retain any information you have stored on the laptop it is probable  that the data will be lost during this process. Please note that staff will not be reimbursed for  unauthorised upgrades or repairs. 

Transporting and Storage of Equipment and Resources 

Staff members have a responsibility to ensure that any equipment that is loaned to them is  transported and stored securely. Equipment should be transported in the boot of your vehicle  wherever possible. It should not be left in the boot of your vehicle overnight and should be removed  and stored in a secure location.  

Lost or Stolen Equipment 

All instances of lost/stolen equipment are investigated. In the first instance you should contact the  Business Support team and advise them of your loss. You will then be asked to provide a police  incident number, an account of how the equipment was lost or stolen and you should try to claim for  it on your insurance. You may also be required to provide a copy of any related insurance claim.  

You are responsible for your NNC equipment and it must not be left on display in your vehicle. If it is  left on display and is stolen, you would be responsible for its replacement and any damage to your  vehicle. If it was locked away in the boot of your car whilst you attended a short meeting, you should  try and claim for it on your insurance alongside any other missing items if your insurance allows this. 

Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) Licence  

Northamptonshire Adult Learning pays for a PPL license on an annual basis which allows for music  to be legally played within sessions if required.  

To ensure that we remain within the guidelines of our license, if you play music within your session  on a regular basis it is your responsibility to inform your line manager.  

Photocopying and Printing Copyright Legislation  

All tutors should be aware of copyright regulations. The licence, which Adult Learning Service holds  with the Copyright Licensing Authority, allows for copying of:  

Published “copy permitted” worksheets  

In house material including NNC material  

Certain journals and periodicals (maximum 5% of the material)  

Other publications, such as newspapers, music and maps may require a special licence and should  NOT be copied without prior approval. If you use material from the internet, please put the web  address on the hand out etc. to reference it.  

Photocopying costs are included in the course fees so learners should not be charged again.  

Photocopying and Printing  

As an alternative to photocopying and printing, and wherever appropriate, please email your  handouts to learners or make available on a virtual platform. This is more environmentally friendly  and keeps costs to a minimum.  

Please see the section ‘Claiming Photocopying Expenses’ for details of reimbursement for  photocopying that you pay for.  

To photocopy resources, you can either:  

North Northamptonshire Libraries 


West Northamptonshire Libraries 

All other libraries within Northamptonshire are now run by independent organisations and are no longer able to provide photocopying.  

To use the photocopier at libraries, tutors must show their work ID to the library staff who will keep  a record of the number of copies produced to allow for invoicing to the Adult Learning Service.  

Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) and other Online Tools  

Google Classroom  

Google Classroom is used as a VLE within the Learning for Life programme and accredited provision  across the service. If you would like to receive help in using Google Classroom to support the  delivery of you course, please contact  


Moodle is available as a VLE to support the delivery of courses. It is also the platform that is currently  used to store documents for sessional staff including:  

- Risk assessments for venues and subject areas.  

- NALS policies and procedures.  

- Shared resources for subject areas.  

To access Moodle please visit You will need to log into your Moodle account to  access the site. Moodle accounts and further instructions can be requested through 


The service is subscribing to Padlet this academic year to give tutors an additional online tool to  enhance the online learning experience and to support a blended learning approach. If you would  like access to a Padlet account, please speak to your line manager. Padlet can be used in a  variety of ways including:  

- To support with note taking in collaborative activities.  

- To use as a group notice board, including a central place for learners to access course  resources.