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Safeguarding Policy

For the full safeguarding policy for NALS, please see the policy section on Moodle or speak to your  line manager. 

Safeguarding Policy summary  

Your duty of care  

All staff have a duty of care to ensure that concerns about abuse of children and adults at risk are  raised in line with North Northamptonshire Council safeguarding procedures.  

In addition, the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a statutory duty on further education  institutions to prevent people being drawn into terrorism, which includes not just violent extremism  but also non-violent extremism, which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can  popularise views which terrorists exploit. This means that, as part of staff safeguarding duty, they  have a responsibility to be vigilant and to act upon concerns in this regard. Staff also have a statutory  duty to report suspected cases of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).  

Dealing with allegations or concerns about abuse can be very difficult and distressing for everyone  involved. Deciding what is the right thing to do can be stressful. For example, you may have had  some information reported to you, rather than seeing an incident take place and the person who is  making the allegations is reluctant to accept support. You may also be worried about getting  someone into trouble.  

If you are not sure what to do, you can always seek advice, but always discuss your concerns with  your curriculum coordinator or the Adult Learning Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible. Ignoring  your concerns is not an option.  

A definition of abuse 

Abuse and neglect can take many forms. Authorities should not be constrained in their view of  what constitutes abuse or neglect, and should always consider the circumstances of the individual  case.  

Anyone can carry out abuse or neglect, including, for example, partners, other family members,  neighbours, friends, acquaintances, and local residents, organised gangs, paid staff or  professionals, volunteers and strangers. For example a stranger may carry out targeted fraud or an  internet scam but more often, the person responsible for the abuse is in a position of trust and  power. Abuse happens to victims face to face, online, though phones, third parties and through  acts of omission.  

Types of abuse include:  

It is also important for staff to be aware of the following areas where the individuals being targeted  or involved are children or adults with care and support needs:  

Adults and children may be groomed or persuaded to commit abuse against others. For example,  a vulnerable person who is radicalised to take up extreme views is being psychologically abused.  He or she may go on to commit discriminatory abuse against other people because of these views.  

Who do safeguarding duties apply to?  

In line with the Care Act 2014 and Children’s Act 1989 (2004 amendment), safeguarding duties  apply to any child under the age of 18, or to an adult who:  

Such an adult may not be in need of day to day care but because of their age, naivety or low self  confidence, may be vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation. The adult experiencing, or at risk  of abuse or neglect will hereafter be referred to as the adult.  

Many adults with whom the service interacts - whether or not they have a disability – are parents  and we share the responsibility to be aware and to raise concerns if we consider their child or  children may be at risk of abuse.  

Safeguarding children  

Who is vulnerable and why?  

Child abuse happens to children of both sexes, at all ages and in all cultures, religions and social  classes and both to children with and without disabilities. This guidance and the law relate to all  children and young people up to the age of 18. Other children and young people may also abuse  children. 


What should you do if you have a concern about an adult with care and support needs or a child?  

1. Listen carefully to what the person has to say, but do not ask questions other than to  clarify what has been said  

2. Be receptive and empathetic  

3. Inform the person disclosing abuse that you cannot keep this information confidential  and you must tell your line manager  

4. Take care to protect any evidence, such as text messages, bank statements and letters  which may be shown to you  

5. Try and ensure the person is safe  

6. Make a record of the discussion as soon as you can, using the person’s own words. Sign  it and date it. Use the ALS concern incident reporting form available on Moodle to record  the discussion.  

7. Contact your curriculum coordinator or Adult Learning Safeguarding Officer immediately to  report your concern. Submit your concern incident reporting form to the service’s  Safeguarding Officer or destroy it as advised.  

You should not:  

• Question the victim as this may affect any police action  

• Discuss the allegation/abuse with the alleged source of risk  

• Discuss the allegation/abuse with other staff members other than the course  coordinator, or the Adult Learning Safeguarding Officer, unless someone is in  immediate danger  

• Take any other action without first discussing this with your line manager or other  appropriate person  

• Promise to maintain confidentiality  

• Delay reporting the allegation/abuse  

• Take notes in a general notebook – instead use the service’s concern incident reporting  form or a separate piece of paper that can be easily and quickly destroyed.  

Reporting all concerns  

All potential safeguarding issues (including Prevent issues) should be reported to designated  safeguarding lead or a deputy if the safeguarding lead is not available. This should be on the day  they occurred, unless there are exceptional circumstances which make this impossible. Should  both of these people be unavailable, staff should contact any member of SMT to report a concern.  The Safeguarding Reporting Form (appendix 2) can be used to record the information in writing to  send to the safeguarding officer.  

If it is felt that a child or adult is in immediate danger please call 999. The non emergency  number for the police is 101.  

If you cannot make contact with the Lead Safeguarding Officer or deputy, or any other member of  SMT, you should email the appropriate Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) for advice.  

Table of contact details: 

Northamptonshire Adult  Learning Service  

Safeguarding Lead 

Helen Doel  

Performance and Quality Manager  

Contact Numbers: 07834 006312, 01604 367119  



Northamptonshire Adult  Learning Service  

Safeguarding Deputies  

Tania Sowerby  

Curriculum Manager for Learning for Life  Contact Numbers: 01604 367119 or 07545419911  Email: or  

Teresa Humpage  

Curriculum Coordinator for Learning for Life  Contact number: 07841784127  


To report a Child Safeguarding concern, contact:  

If a child is in immediate danger, left alone, or missing, you should contact the police and/or an  ambulance directly by phoning 999.  

If there is no immediate danger but you are concerned about a child’s welfare, contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):  

Phone Number: 0300 126 7000, then select option 1. Office opening hours are Monday – Friday 8am –  6pm (except bank holidays).  

To report concerns outside of the above opening hours, please contact the Out Of Hours Service  (OOH) on: 01604 626938. The Out of Hours Service is available all weekend, including Bank Holidays  and weekdays Monday – Friday 6pm – 8am.  

To access the online form please visit: professionals/Pages/contact-early-help-support-MASH.aspx  

To report an Adult Safeguarding concern, contact:  

If an adult is in immediate danger, or missing, you should contact the police directly and / or  ambulance using 999.  

Phone Numbers: North Northamptonshire residents: 0300 126 3000 West Northamptonshire  residents: 0300 126 7000 Office opening hours are Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm (except bank  holidays).  

Online form:  

North Northants: Complete an adult safeguarding notification - NNC - Introduction - Online form  ( 

West Northants: Complete an adult safeguarding notification - WNC - Introduction - Online form  ( 

To report concerns outside of the above opening hours, please contact the Out Of Hours Service  (OOH) on: 01604 626938. The Out Of Hours Service is available all weekend, including Bank  Holidays and weekdays Monday – Friday 6pm – 8am. 

For advice on possible Prevent issues, email the Northamptonshire Police Prevent team:  

If it is an emergency, please call 999. You can also call 101 and ask for the local prevent team.  

Further support is available for non urgent concerns:  

Sam Slack  

East Midlands Regional Prevent Coordinator HE/FE (G7) 


For Safeguarding issues where the Adult or Child / Young Person resides outside of NNC jurisdiction  please refer to their individual authority. (Further contact details on full policy) 

Safeguarding Training  

All staff are required to complete safeguarding and PREVENT awareness training every three  years (unless there are any essential updates), and staff are paid to complete this essential  training. Staff will not be allowed to teach or support an Adult Learning Service course until their  safeguarding and PREVENT training is up to date.  

It is mandatory that this training is completed. If you are unsure if your safeguarding or PREVENT  training is up to date, please contact your curriculum coordinator or curriculum manager. They will  also be able to tell you which level of training you are required to complete.


Safeguarding Reporting Flowchart  

If a child or adult is in  immediate danger, please  call the Police Emergency  Number – 999.  

The non- emergency  number is 101.  

Staff member alerted to safeguarding  concern  

If Staff member is unable to contact  safeguarding officers, they should  contact the relevant contact as  


detailed in policy. 

Staff member calls designated  Safeguarding Officer for advice  

Safeguarding Officer logs concern.  

Safeguarding Officer advises staff member  on any further action to take  

The Safeguarding Officer reports concern  to the relevant local safeguarding team.  

The Safeguarding Officer undertakes any further  action as advised by the local safeguarding team.  

Safeguarding Officer logs any  

further action taken and closes  

the case on the safeguarding log.  


Safeguarding report form  

Safeguarding concern form  

Please use this form in conjunction with the North Northants Adult Learning Safeguarding Policy.  Please fill in as many details as known / relevant.  

Please scan and email form to the relevant safeguarding officer, or details can be emailed directly.  (please see next page for contact details)  

Name of member of staff referring: Contact number of staff  member:  

Date of concern: Date and time of the incident (if different):  

Full name of learner / apprentice: Date of birth of learner /  apprentice:  

Any other relevant information (e.g. ethnicity, additional needs, English as an additional  language/EAL, etc.):  

Description of the incident / concern:  

(please include names and details of any other adults or children included in the concern) 

Further details of any discussion with the learner / apprentice or action already taken: 


If the learner / apprentice is under 18, has the parent been informed of the referral?  (please give any details) 


Please email form or details to:  

Adult Learning:  

Safeguarding Lead: Helen Doel, Performance and Quality Manager, Email:, (Contact Numbers: 07834 006312, 01604 367119)  

If Safeguarding Lead is not available, please email to:  

Tania Sowerby, Curriculum Manager for Learning for Life, Email: (Contact Numbers: 01604 367119 or 07545419911)  

Teresa Humpage, Curriculum Coordinator for Learning for Life, Email: (Contact number 07841784127)  

Aimee Woore, Study Programme Manager, email: