Sessional Staff Employment Processes
In this section:
We have included information in this handbook that is relevant to your employment and responsibilities as a tutor. In addition to this staff handbook, please see the list below of further information sources.
- All Northamptonshire Adult Learning Policies can be found on Moodle. The link to updated policies for 2022 / 2023 will be circulated within the bulletin.
- For current North Northamptonshire Council policies, including HR policies, please contact
- For further information on quality processes please contact your line manager, or the performance and quality manager, Helen Doel on
Tutors/Teaching Assistants - Absence Reporting
In all instances of absence, the tutor should inform Business Support, giving as much notice as possible. Any changes to course arrangements must be agreed with your line manager as there are implications for both learners and the venue hosting the course charging us.
Absence due to sickness should be reported by 12 noon on the day of their evening course(s) and as early as possible for daytime courses. Staff on a zero hours contract may be eligible for sick pay, dependant on the hours that have been contracted. Please contact your line manager to ensure that sickness is logged on ERP.
Absence due to unavoidable commitments should be reported as soon as you know about them.
Annual Leave: Tutors should not arrange to take leave during a course.
Contacting learners. At the start of your course, Business Support will have provided you with a record of contact numbers for your learners, which you are advised to keep in a secure place at home. Wherever possible you should inform your learners of your absence. If you are unable to do so, you must advise Business Support during your telephone call / email.
You must not arrange for another person to take your class under any circumstances, this is the curriculum coordinator’s responsibility. Only tutors that are employed by North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) Adult Learning Service can teach our sessions because:
Tutors require a DBS check
NNC will not make payment for non NNC Employees
Only NNC employees are covered by our insurances
Non employees are not familiar with our working procedures or policies.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
All staff that come into contact with learners or learner details must have at least a basic DBS check. This has resulted from a change in the funding rules from August 2019.
The Adult Learning Service ensures that members of staff who work with vulnerable adults and children have relevant Disclosure and Barring Service clearance (DBS).
Any changes that would affect a DBS check needs to be declared to the line manager as soon as possible. An annual declaration form must also be completed to confirm that no changes have occurred. Details of this will be circulated by email.
Tutors without correct DBS checks in place, or without an annual declaration will not booked for further teaching until these are in place.
Staff Development and Tutor Support
Staff Development is an essential part of the support offered to tutors, ensuring that tutors have the relevant skills and knowledge to undertake their role within the service and to enable the service to meet its aims and objectives.
There are a number of ways in which support is provided for tutors:
Curriculum coordinators and managers support staff in specified curriculum groups via arranging meetings, the bulletin, mentoring, peer observation and staff development events. The curriculum coordinators and managers will be able to draw on expertise from various sources and share this with other tutors. Contact details of curriculum coordinators and managers can be found at the start of this handbook.
Curriculum Team Meetings:
Provide mutual support, ideas and encouragement to staff involved.
Provide opportunities to develop their own skills and knowledge with a clear focus on service delivery and quality improvement.
Provide opportunities for the development and evaluation of curriculum policies and guidelines and other relevant policies.
Provide opportunities to develop programmes and strategies reflecting the principles and practice of good adult learning delivery, which can be shared with other colleagues through training and briefings.
Tutors are expected to attend at least three identified meetings/briefings or training sessions as decided by their curriculum coordinator/manager and are to undertake regular updates on subject related issues during the academic year.
Tutors are paid at their hourly rate for attending these meetings and training that occurs in them.
Staff participation in Adult Learning courses. Please see the section titled ‘Staff Participation in Adult Learning Courses’ for more details.
Observations and Learning Walks.
The service monitors the quality of teaching, learning and assessment through formal observations (OTLAs), and through Learning Walks. The primary
purpose of all these different types of classroom visits is to support and mentor tutors to continuously improve for the benefit of learners.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Staff are paid at their hourly pay rate to attend a number of training activities during the academic year which have a cross service focus.
Tutors who do not have a teaching/training qualification are required to gain a teachingqualification at level 3. Please contact the Performance and Quality manager, Helen Doel for further information.
Learning modules through iLearn (North Northants in house CPD) There are a number of mandatory training modules that need to be completed online. Your curriculum coordinator or manager will be in touch when these need updating. Support can be available for anyone needing IT support in completing these modules. Please note, tutors are required to have all mandatory training up to date before any teaching is booked.
Performance Appraisal Development Programme (PADP) (Tutors)
The purpose of the Performance Appraisal and Development Programme (PADP) is to support all staff within their roles in the Adult Learning Service. It is designed to be supportive and developmental and is an integral part of the Service’s quality improvement policy. Tutors are entitled to an appraisal and the support that it provides. For hourly paid tutors, appraisal takes place annually and is linked to the observation (OTLA) process.
Tutors are usually appraised by their line manager, the curriculum coordinator who coordinates the majority of his/her courses. Tutors may request to be appraised by someone other than his/her line manager. This request is considered on a case-by-case basis.
The PADP process for 2022 / 2023 is currently under review. Information will be shared with tutors via email when released.
Staff Participation in Adult Learning Courses
The scheme is open to all staff and volunteers of the Adult Learning Service. To be eligible, tutors, volunteers and teaching assistants must be teaching or supporting classes in the current academic year. It is invaluable for staff to be able to experience our courses in order for them to have a better understanding of our service offers and this is offered as a CPD opportunity.
All eligible staff:
Are entitled to a maximum number of 40 free tuition hours during one academic year on viable courses that have spare places (see table below for eligible hours associated with each role)
May book courses that are advertised in the brochure
Are responsible for all other costs associated with their chosen course (where applicable, materials, and examination fees etc.)
Can book on the understanding that if all of the courses that are allocated to them to teach are cancelled by Adult Learning, due to viability issues, their booking for that term will be honoured. Subsequent bookings made will be considered on an individual basis Are not able to transfer this offer to family or friends
If you wish to participate, please telephone Business Support on 01604 367119 or email stating that you are a member of staff and ensuring you have your payroll number to hand. You will be offered a provisional place and sent a Course
Information Sheet. Where appropriate you will also be sent a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ).
If you are a volunteer, please quote the concession code at the time of booking.
When you have enrolled using your staff hours, you will then be sent your learner course pack by email. However, if the course becomes full with learners enrolled onto the waiting list, we will contact you to ask you if you would like to pay for your place on the course, or use your staff hours to book onto another course. Staff or volunteers cannot take up a paying place on a course using their staff hours if there is a waiting list.
Staff Code Entitlement
ALS Staff ALS100 40 free hours per year
ALS Volunteers
40 free hours per year
Wellbeing at Work
If you require any support or advice about your physical or mental health, please ask your coordinator who has got access to information on the intranet and can forward this on. The Health Assured and Remploy services are detailed below and can be accessed without going through your line manager. Please note that these services are currently only available to those on substantive or zero hour contracts.
Health Assured
North Northants Council employees have access to ‘Health Assured’, an employee assistance programme to help you deal with any personal or professional problems that might be impacting on your wellbeing.
Health Assured offers cover for you and your immediate family members*, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:
Life support: Unlimited access to telephone counselling for emotional problems and a pathway to structured telephone counselling (employees only) at your convenience.
Work-related problems can affect our physical, emotional and mental health. Common issues include job dissatisfaction, workplace injury, stress, discrimination and bullying, violence, accidental death and retirement.
Management guidance - Managing staff wellbeing can be rewarding and at times stressful. We hope that you utilise our support services when difficult matters arise.
Legal information: For any issues that cause anxiety or distress including debt management, accountancy, lawsuits, consumer disputes, property or neighbour legalities (employees only).
Bereavement support: Health Assured offers qualified and experienced counsellors who can help with grief and related stress plus a team of legal advisors to help with legal issues.
Medical information: signposting to trusted websites are provided.
Wellbeing Portal
As part of your Health Assured EAP you have access to a virtual library of wellbeing information including informative articles, self-help guides and useful online tools to provide support on a range of health and advisory issues. These include:
Emotional support
Fitness and lifestyle advice (including video demonstrations)
Personal coaching tool
Health assessments
Medical information
CBT self-help modules, informative factsheets and invaluable advice videos from leading qualified counsellors
Health Assured website
Once you have entered the site you will be prompted for the below login details:
Username: wellbeing
Password: LimeMoveQuiz
If you’re an employee for North Northamptonshire Council and feel your wellbeing is impacting your work, or stopping you from attending work, Remploy is here for you. Their virtual, confidential one-to-one workplace support appointments are designed to help you perform well within your job role whilst managing your wellbeing.
Book your appointment today
Gain fully-funded expert advice and support for nine months, which includes:
A wellbeing plan to help you stay in, or attend work
Ideas for suitable workplace adjustments
Tailored coping strategies
To access this support, you must:
Be in employment or an apprenticeship (attending work or signed off sick)
Have wellbeing concerns (diagnosed or undiagnosed) that have caused you to be off work or are making it hard for you to undertake your duties and responsibilities whilst at work.
Remploy are not obliged to inform your employer unless you want them to.
How can I access Remploy?
To book your appointment you can complete their online form.
Alternatively, you can call 0300 456 8114, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. For more information about the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service, listen to this short video from Beth Kimberly at Remploy or visit the Remploy website.
Using E-mail Accounts for Work
It is NNC policy that personal email addresses are not used to conduct work business. All Adult Learning staff are given their own business email address which can be accessed remotely. If you are unable to access your email account, please contact your line manager.
Email etiquette:
1. Be informal and polite.
2. Keep messages brief and to the point.
4. Use carbon copy (Cc) and blind carbon copy (Bcc) appropriately. When sending group emails to learners, BCC must be used to ensure that we meet data protection rules. 5. Don't use email as an excuse to avoid personal contact.
6. Remember that email isn't private.
7. Be sparing with group email.
8. Use the subject field to indicate content and purpose.
9. Don't send chain letters, virus warnings, or junk mail.
10. Remember that your tone can't be heard in email.
11. Always use a signature that includes your contact information.
12. Summarize long discussions.
Some words of caution:
If you are forwarding or reposting a message you've received, do not change the wording. If you want to repost to a group a message that you received individually, ask the author for permission first.
Give proper attribution to the originator.
Assume that any deleted emails can be retrieved and presented in evidence in the case of an investigation.
Do not email learners after the end of your course unless you have permission from them to keep in contact (see the GDPR section for further information)
Email signatures:
Email signatures are essential for substantial staff and optional for sessional staff. Signatures are updated throughout the year so please check with your line manager that you have the most up to date version.
Using Social Media
Use of networking sites by staff. Tutors are increasingly being asked to become an ‘online friend’ by their learners. Tutors are free to become friends but must do so on a personal basis and not in their position as an adult learning tutor. Tutors should be aware that information they share on the site with individual learners may be seen by other learners.
It is important that tutors:
Do not behave in a manner that would lead any reasonable person to question their suitability to work as an Adult Learning tutor or with vulnerable adults or children
Do not behave in a way which is likely to bring the reputation of the Adult Learning Service or North Northamptonshire Council into disrepute
Never accept or request children or vulnerable adults they teach to become ‘friends’ on social networking sites
Be aware that their behaviour in their personal lives may impact upon their work with children or vulnerable adults.
Risks for staff of participating in social networking.
All staff, and tutors in particular, need to be aware that there are potential risks in participating in social networking with their learners.
These include:
Tutors being alerted by learners on social networking sites to information which they are then legally required to report as a safeguarding, Prevent or FGM concern. This can then damage their relationship with learners who regard the tutor as their “friend”.
The risk of an allegation being made against a tutor by a current or past learner. If the tutor has engaged in personal contact with a learner, proving their innocence of any inappropriate behaviour could be challenging. Depending on the severity of the allegation, tutors may need to be suspended by NNC while allegations are investigated.
The creation of fake tutor accounts by malicious learners. These accounts are then sent to colleagues and learners requesting them to become friends giving the creator access to confidential information they believe they are only sharing with their tutor.
The risk of a learner posting inappropriate information, comments or photographs on the site which can then be seen by a wider audience and associated with the tutor.
Inadvertent sharing of confidential information through a lack of understanding of privacy settings.
Inappropriate behaviour by the member of staff may lead to an investigation and disciplinary procedure.
Working with Relatives, Partners or with People who have a Close Relationship
Tutors are not permitted to work with a teaching assistant with whom they have a close, personal relationship. This is because, due to financial regulations, staff are unable to sign off on pay claims for other staff members with whom they have a close, personal relationship. Therefore, tutors cannot sign off on pay claims for teaching assistants with whom they are personally involved.
If you have any concerns about this, please speak to your curriculum coordinator or manager.
Delivering Adult Learning Courses and Teaching Privately
In addition to delivering Adult Learning Service courses, tutors may also teach courses privately. All courses which are promoted by tutors must be approved as a valid progression opportunity by the curriculum manager first.
In some cases, when an Adult Learning course ends, groups of learners wish to continue to meet with their tutor on a private basis. If learners approach a tutor in this way, he or she should inform the curriculum coordinator this then becomes a private matter between tutors, teaching assistants and ex learners.
It is important to ensure that permission is given by learners if you are to keep their email address after the course finishes. Please see the GDPR section for more details.
It may also be appropriate to advise your learners to start their own club once they have completed their course(s) with you. This means that a group of learners continue to meet (without the support of the tutor) in order for them to practise skills learnt and to keep in touch with each other.